The Pet Poison Helpline has revealed the five most common causes of calls regarding potential cat poisoning.
The most common cause of cat poisonings in 2010, accounting for almost 40% of cases, involved cats that improperly ingested human or veterinary drugs. Cats are far less able to metabolize certain drugs than humans and dogs, and common drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS) are some of the most deadly to cats. Other drugs causing poisoning included acetaminophen and antidepressants such as Effexor. The Pet Poison Helpline stresses that with any accidental medication ingestion, immediate veterinary care is imperative.About 14% of calls regarding cat poisonings related to ingestion of poisonous plants. True lilies (Lilium and Hemerocallis spp.), including the Tiger, Day, Asiatic, Easter and Japanese Show lilies, are among the most deadly and cause kidney failure in cats. Because these flowers are fragrant, inexpensive and long-lasting, florists often include them in arrangements.
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